Saturday, April 11, 2009

Film School #1

this post will be the first in a series entitled 'Film School'. Instead of longer film reviews it will just be the title, rating, and a brief comment. So this is merely recommendations or 'stay aways!'.

I. Let The Right One In - 4/4 - A superb, brilliant, dazzling vampire film. Easily the greatest modern blood-sucking movie ever. It is not a mindless, gory thriller but a tantilizing, oddly romantic, love story between a 12 year old boy and a more-or-less 12 year old vampire girl. I haven't even seen Twilight yet I already now it is blown out of the water.

II. Rachel Getting Married -3.5/4 - Overall, this movie moved me to tears so often by the performance of Anne Hathaway that is almost embarrasing to mention it...even if it wasn't for the fact that her role as a struggling addict amidst the event of her sister's marriage was enchanting. Break out the tissues and prepare to say 'I can't believe she was in Princess Diaries'.

III. Forgetting Sarah Marshall - 3/4 What! A funny Judd Apatow movie...that's never happened. Peter Segal plays an oddball TV show composer that can't get over his beautiful actress girlfriend who runs away with a terrible British singer. Once again, Apatow and Co have pulled off a dirty movie that has enough heart that completly bashing it for its crudity would seem...well...heartless. (oh yeah, Mila Kunis plays as a hotel receptionist...she isn't even annoying)

IV. Frozen River - 3.5/4 - To be honest, I have no clue about the names of any of the cast. So the aged abandoned mother turns to smuggling illegal aliens into Canada to support her family. An important independent film in 2008, the strong performances by all involved makes this a film worth seeing.

V. Zack & Miri Make A Porno - 3/4 - A funny Kevin Smith movie! yay! A heartwarming (yeah, that's right) tale of two High School friends living together years later that turn to porn to make ends meet. Seth Rogen & Elizabeth Banks star together...and they're are so cute, and cuddly...uh i didn't say that. This movie is hilarious. Don't shy away from the title. Of course this movie is completly dirty and many throw their hands up and ask 'Since when do we need pervasive language and sex to make a good movie?'. I ask 'Since when do we need torture, violence, and patriotic sensationalism to make a good movie?' or something like that

films to avoid: Beverly Hill Chihuaha (however you spell it!)

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